mary p brooke

Mary P Brooke

Writer & Editor | Public Speaker



Social Ecology

Urban Food Resilience

SD62 Education Policy Meeting

First Education Policy Committee meeting of the 2022-2023 fall season. At the school board office, 3143 Jacklin Rd, Langford. Or watch online.

SD62 Resources Committee Meeting

First Resources Committee Meeting of the 2022-2023 fall season. At the school board office in Langford, or watch online.

Mary P Brooke Outdoor Campaign Launch in Colwood

Rain or shine! Drop by to meet your SD62 trustee candidate Mary P Brooke (Belmont Zone - Colwood, Highlands, Langford & Metchosin) and other campaign supporters. Outdoors at Meadow Park Green in Colwood (from Sooke Rd, take Metchosin Rd for 3 km, turn right on Latoria Blvd, right on Dunlin St, and head to Caspian

Mary P Brooke at Colwood Fire Hall Open House

I will be out and about at the Colwood Fire Hall Open House on Sun Sept 25, from 10 am to 11:30 am. Find me in my yellow campaign jacket! The full open house runs 10 am to 2 pm.

Metchosin Community Tea – meet the Candidates

Free social event for the Metchosin community to meet their municipal and SD62 school trustee candidates. At Metchosin Community Association house at 4430 Happy Valley Rd. No speeches, just a chance to meet and chat.

SD62 Public Board Meeting

First SD62 Board Meeting in the fall season of 2022-2023. Last meeting ahead of the new board being elected in the October 15, 2022 election.

Mary P Brooke Meet-&-Greet at Metchosin Farm

Come meet SD62 (Belmont Zone) school trustee candidate Mary Brooke, and find out more about Metchosin Farm too (tour the seed house)! Outdoors at Metchosin Farm, 542 Wootton Rd in Metchosin. Drop-in 1 pm to 3 pm. | Campaign donations can be made on site with cash or by cheque. | Get your Mary P

Advance Voting

2022 Local Elections for municipal councils and SD62 school trustees. Advance Voting Oct 5 & Oct 12 (8 am to 8 pm): Langford – at city hall, 877 Goldstream Ave | Colwood – at city hall, 3300 Wishart Rd | Highlands (tba) | Metchosin – at municipal hall, 4450 Happy Valley Rd.